New Dragon Ball Super Title Confirms That Mastered Ultra Instinct Form

New Dragon Ball Super Title Confirms That Mastered Ultra Instinct Form

Dragon Ball Super is approaching its last five episodes before the series concludes this April, and that means the climax of the show’s Tournament of Power is about to unleash all the power fans can’t wait to see manifest on the screen, and of course, that includes Goku’s Ultra Instinct form. Though we haven’t seen the Universe 7 hero master his strongest form, a newly revealed episode title obviously confirms that it will happen soon.

Earlier this week, details about Dragon Ball Super’s next episodes were revealed in Japan. Entertainment magazines such as Animedia shared the episode titles and synopses for the next episodes, and fans noticed something interesting over episode 129.

The translations say that the title of episode 129 is Transcending the Limit! Mastering Ultra Instinct!!! The title clearly drops a major spoiler that isn’t really a big surprise for some fans. Here’s the synopsis:

It was previously hinted that there’s a possibility that Goku could master the surreal form. That’s likely enough to defeat Jiren, but will show really end with Goku defeating Jiren, and Universe 7 winning the whole tournament. That’s too predictable, isn’t it? Hopefully, it ends on a cliffhanger that would give hope to fans who wish that the series will continue in the near future.




— Elisa (@Eli_bebe_DBZ) 2018年2月9日

The biggest difference is obviously the shirt, first and foremost! After all the hoopla over “Shirtless Vegeta” in the latest episode, “Shirtless Goku” is looking to come and claim that crown!

Other than that (and on a more serious note), this pic of the final form of Ultra Instinct has a darker hair tint (no gray tips), a more chiseled muscle mass, and an aura that is unmistakeably blue and vibrant, rather than the murkier mix of blues and purple that we originally saw. Since this is a promotional image for upcoming merchandise, we can’t confirm whether details like the grey plumes of smoke surrounding Goku are part of the final Ultra Instinct form, or just promotional flourishes.

This form of Ultra Instinct is expected to debut at the end of episode 128 / in episode 129, after the Universe 7 team has suffered its biggest loss yet, triggering an impassioned emotional response in Goku. However, we have little to no knowledge of Dragon Ball Super’s final episodes, so there’s still the looming question of whether this final version of Ultra Instinct will be enough.